I love short stories. They’re the quiet gems of the writing world – done right? They catch your imagination, worm under your skin and squeeze your heart…

The great ones..? You never forget.

A short story is harder to write than a novel. Flash fiction is the hardest of all. I’ve been a traditionally published short story writer since I was fourteen (of course the editor didn’t know I was a kid…)

I write science fiction, fantasy and dark fiction. What I really write? Emotion. That extra something, which will grab you and not let go.

My most recent short story is being featured in the very first edition of a new literary magazine Scaffolding. It’s passionate about the same things I am: inclusion, gender and mental health. The magazine itself pairs the very best writers with the most stunning artists.

The story “How to Scalp a Doll” is dark fiction about a human trafficker who makes the mistake of opening the truck door…then his whole world is turned on its head.

It’s about siblings, fear, loneliness, freedom…and what it means to be alive.

Danny had always hated geese…

Rebel Vampires will also be part of the magazine long-term, offering rewards to readers who subscribe. Click here to find out more.

Start the Rebel Vampires adventure today here.

What’s your favourite short story – and why have you always remembered it?