I’ve always been passionate about the paranormal: vampires, werewolves, angels, demons and fae…

Vampire books are not only the first books I decided to write in the genre, however, they’re the first books I READ in it too: BRAM STOKER’S Dracula (1897), ANNE RICE’S The Vampire Lestat (1985) and POPPY Z BRITE’S Lost Souls (1992).

But why do you love vampire books?

BLOOD RENEGADES Release Party this week was EPIC.

As Blood Renegades is about a British vampire anti-hero battling towards redemption, one of the contests asked my blinding guests to complete the line: ‘I love vampire books because…’

Here are Five of the Best Reasons To Love Vampire Books!

  1. Marsha:  I love vampire books because the main character has so much to their personality and you can mold them how you want them.
  2. Sarah: Romance, fighting, the thrill, the excitement…I love vampire books because it’s the first thing that has saved me when I needed to be saved the most.
  3. Samantha: Because they keep me on the edge of my seat, and they are totally AWESOMETASTICAL.
  4. Michelle: I love to escape with an awesome supernatural character!!
  5. Jennifer: They are magical and sexy. The mystery and allure. Their immortality and strength are exciting.


‘I love vampire books because they let me escape reality and enjoy a world of total fantasy and nonstop excitement!! The intensity of the characters goes unrivaled by any other books I’ve read! Its like combining action with mystery, magic, paranormal, fantasy and suspense all into one category!! Its a completely thrilling ride when you get submerged in a story like these!’

Blood Renegades is out now at the release price of 0.99.